Crawford County Real Estate Search


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1. Click "Clear".
2. Type any combination of search criteria below (click here for help). Use the left-hand column for an exact match, both columns to specify a range.
3. Click "Search File From BEGINNING" or "Search File From END".
4. Scroll down to view the list of matches. Click the number of the listing you wish to view, or click "Next Page" to view the next page of matches (if any).

Owner Name

range >
First 5 digits of owner's last name
Parcel Number range > 12-digit parcel #, 6-digit manufactured home #, or 8-digit personal property account #
Address range > First 3 characters of address
Zip Code range > 5-digit zip code
Property Class range > 3-digit property class (100-199 = agricultural, 500-599 = residential, 400-499 = commercial, etc.)
Acres / Title # range > Parcel acreage: assume 4 decimal positions (i.e., 10 acres = "100000") -or- last 7 digits of MH title #
Property Type range > M = mail to, T = transfer last year, N = current year transfer, H = manufactured home, P = personal property

Parcel/Acct Type Name Prop
Address Acres Zip
09-0001368.400     #3 HANGAR GROUP LTD   499  2254 ISAAC     44820  
24-0020471.000   A   598      44827  
43-0013516.000     A & A RESIDENTIAL HOUSING LLC   520  218 NAUMAN     44875  
43-0013517.000     A & A RESIDENTIAL HOUSING LLC   500  218 NAUMAN     44875  
43-0013518.000     A & A RESIDENTIAL HOUSING LLC   520  232 NAUMAN     44875  
43-0013519.000     A & A RESIDENTIAL HOUSING LLC   500  232 NAUMAN     44875  
31-0008055.000     A & G MANUFACTURING CO INC   340  280 GELSANL   3.033   44833  
31-0008056.000     A & G MANUFACTURING CO   340  280 GELSANL   7.759   44833  
03-000001   A B C     112 E MANSF     44820  
11-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIL     44820  
20-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
27-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
41-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
42-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
43-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
45-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
46-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
47-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  
48-000001   A B C     112 MANSFIE     44820  

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county cannot guarantee its accuracy and assumes no legal responsibilties for any use which
might be made of it or for any consequences of that use. Users noting errors or omissions are
invited to contact the Crawford county by telephone or e-mail, at numbers /addresses provided at this site.
©2002 MacDonald, Friedberg, Carr and Dixon